Sunday, December 03, 2006

Wilstone reservoir, before Indian buffet with the Ozzies

Pair of Goldeneye, Scaup, Shoveler, Lapwing, Mute Swans , Pied Wagtails, Courmorant, Teal, Greenshank, Canada Geese, Greylag Geese, Wigeon, Pochard, Great Crested Grebe, Blackheaded Gull, Grey Heron, Kingfisher, Dabchicks, Moorhen, Tufted Dick, and Mallard. That is quite a few birds for 1 hour!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Roland has filled up the bird feeder

Greater Spotted Woodpecker in the big tree in line with College road, then moved to the tee near the feeder, in fact seemed quite unalarmed by my presence. Great/Blue/Long-tailed tits all seen on the feeder at the SMR time briefly. Fleeting glimpse of a Wren as it flew into the hedgerow.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

College Lake

A quick trip to College Lake during lunch. New divide between the two areas the large lake seems untouched and the water level seems the same. On the side nearest the hides there are lots of earthworks and it looks a mess. However you can are what they are trying to achieve.
400 Canada Geese, 250 Lapwing, assorted ducks and 3 Snipe.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

London to Brighton

Herring gull, starling and Crabb

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Wilstone reservoir via Drayton Beauchamp

Snipe, Pintail, and lots of others!

Friday, October 13, 2006

A walk in the rain around Langton Matravers

Crows, Rooks, Raven, so lots of black coloured birds, but then a Buzzard being mobbed by Rooks.
Just outside Worth Matravers a Robin, then a Pied Wagtail followed by a coffee in the pub where there was a crowing Cockrel, 2 Goldfinches, and a flock of sparrows in a garden bush.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Walk from Langton Matravers to Swanage

Dunnock, Kestrel, Stonechat, flock of jackdaws, Greater Black-backed Gill, Shags, and a Gannet.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Studland bay walk

Headed off from the National Trust car park soon came across a Tree Pipit, at the end of the spit two Sandwich Terns were amoungst a flock of Black Headed Gulls. Walking back along the beach saw several naturists.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A walk In the Purbecs along the costal path

Started out well with a flock Of Yellow Hammers. Winchat, Sky Lark, and a flock of about 200 Gold Finches were attacked by a Sparrow Hawk. Towards the end of the walk in a farm yard sparrows and chaffinches. Finally at the pub saw some more Crows whilst supping my well earned pint.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Missed an Osprey by 10 minutes

Arrived a wilstone hide to be told that a sparrow hawk had just scared the birds away and that a few minutes earlier an osprey had flown over.
Still managed to see a Common Sandpipper, lots of gulls about may be they have been blown in by the hurricane? A couple of Hobbies flew over then it was time to go.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lunchtime foray

Thought I had see a distant Buzzard but it turned out to be a Red Kite, which is unusual over this way but becoming more common. The two Kestrels were chasing prey (Crane flies?), and seemed to be jousting each other at one point.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Wilstone in search of a black necked grebe

Reports of a black necked grebe got me down to Wilstone. Luckilly a expert was on hand to point it out. Also saw the red created opchard which has been around for about a week. Other notable sightings were the common sandpiper, and a couple of hobbies.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wilston reservoir

Very hazy, wind ESE. Common sandpiper being harassed by the lapwings, lots of wigeon (more than 20), plenty of shovelers, teal, the resident barnacle goose, starling, heron, and all the other usual suspects.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ogmore south Wales seaside walk

Been out for a walk whilst on a visit to the sister in law. Not having been to that type of habitat this year saw some new birds.
Lots of stonechat, a couple of rock pipits, 2 common buzzards, wheatear, 2 oyster catchers, Herring gull, and lots of other gulls.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Glorious weather

The weather is glorious this lunchtime, the sun is very bright and
intense. Not much to note except a possible Chiffchaff, a Robin warning
me off of it territory and a Great Tit

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Possible Ferruginous Duck

Alert on RBA to a possible Ferruginous Duck went down the reservoir but could not see it. Apparently the distinguishing feature from a Tufted is a white eye. I did however see a Scaup which is a first for me.

Kestrels behaving strangely

Walked down to the gate at the end of college road. Not alot happening, but then I spotted a couple of Kestrels coasting along the hedge line on the updraft where the wind hit the hedge. They then proceeded to chase stuff down on the ground. They may have been chasing crane flies, I think I have read/seen something which describes that behaviour.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Hobby gadwalll and kestrel

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Farmoor reservoir

I have never been to Farmoor. Used TomTom to get Helen and I there, asked at the gate about a hide key but £13 seemed a bit steep, (10 membership and 3 for the key). The Warden suggested that there was plenty to see anyhow. Walked along the causeway saw some small birds (warblers and tits around the nature reserve on the far side). Walking back round the non-sailing side came across sandpipers. Various wagtails, long tailed tits, garganey, and 7 common sandpipers.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

College Road

Quick look during lunch break saw a Bullfinch, as well as the usual
pigeons and rooks

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


2 greenshank, kingfisher, little gull and Mandarin duck

Monday, August 21, 2006

Two dying rabits

Saw a large bird of prey, not well enough to identify. It landed in a tree but by the time I had got to a place for a view I could not figure out which tree it had landed in. In the wet grass there were two frogs one small one adult size. Finally two small rabbits bot had mxymatosis.