Sunday, December 09, 2007

A walk round Coombe Hill

A walk round Coombe Hill

Parked at the bend in the road just outside wendover where the Ridgeway enters the woods.
Redwing, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Rook, Mustle Thrush, Pheasant, Kestrel, Wood Pigeon, Robin, Jay, Magpie, Great Tit, Blue Tit.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Dancers End in the rain

Two Treecreepers, 2 Goldcrests.
As I was leaving a foxed walked past.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Wilstone on a miserable morning.

Quick walk to the hide at Wilstone before going into town to do some xmas shopping and see Ratatouille.
Had to walk into the wind a rain to get to the hide, water was choppy, saw Redwing. Spend about an hour in the hide before returning, the usual suspects were about: Wigeon, Tufted, Black-headed (starting to get black heads!), also some smaller than Wigeon ducks that I coukld not figure out.
Over on the far bank Canada Geese and a Jay.

Round Ivinghoe

Helen was studying so I went off for a walk. Weather was very clear and sunny but rain threatened. Parked at the NT car park near the beacon. walked down the Lution side of the hill then parallel to the ridge.
Chaffinch were feeding in the Laylandi forect which was very mature and covered a lot of acreage. Then joinned the road at the Deer Leap NT carpark.
Walked back throuh the edge of Ashridge, saw Coal Tit and Jay before getting to the dog kennel place, where you can walk down to the based of Steps Hill.
Walking up steps hill say a small bird of prey mobbing a Buzzard.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Walk round Lee Common

Walk round Lee Common

Jay, Redwing, Black Headed Gull, Blackbird, Common Buzzard, Green Woodpecker, Wood Pigeon, Magpie, Chaffinch, Blue Tit.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Arrived at Brighton

Arrived at Brighton

Helen and I were sat on the beach after dropping Nancy off in Hassocks by 15:27.
Weather gorgeous not many birds about other than Herring Gull, and Lesser Black Backed!

A few things to note for next year

A few things to note for next year

Gilbert and Rory need to make a note to remember to bring tyre levers.

London to Brighton vintage car run Crawley coffee stop.

London to Brighton vintage car run Crawley coffee stop.

Waiting for the car at Crawley. Seen Kestrel, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Feral Pigeon, and Rook.
Car had a tyre come off at Croydon, which took a while to change once they got delivery of a new one. Gilberts schedule will be shot to pieces so I suspect it will have to be a swift half in the White Hart!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Whiteleaf cross walk

Whiteleaf cross walk

Chaffinch, Magpie, Rook, Gray Tit, Blue Tit, Robin, Blackbird, Wood Pigeon, Robin, Kestrel, Red Kite, Black Headed Gull, Green Woodpecker, Crow, Long Tailed Tit, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Redwing, Pheasant.

Monday, October 15, 2007

New office

In new office on first floor. Excellent view over fields.
Red Kite in tree, loads of Tits, and two buzzards fighting, whilst scaring all the Rooks.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Coombe Hill walk

Coombe Hill walk

Very quiet. Greenfinch, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, and Rook.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wilstone post holiday

Went to stretch my legs after returning from holiday in Cley. 15 Golden Plover, Kingfisher,

Birds seen in Norfolk in a week

Starling, Black Headed Gull, Wood Pigeon, Magpie, Pheasant, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Swallow, Greater Black-backed Gull, Robin, Wren, Blue Tit, Goldcrest, Long Tailed Tit, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Bearded Tit, Collared Dove, Jackdaw, Canada Goose, Lapwing, Avocet, Ruff, Bar-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Golden Plover, Egyptian Goose, Coot, Mute Swan, Dunnock, Pied Wagtail, Linnet, Spotted Redshank, Brent Goose, Sanderling, Knot, Eider, Golden Plover, Oyster catcher, Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Meadow PipitGuillemot, Gannet, Shag, Red Throated Diver, Wigeon., Siskin, Redwing, Pintail, Shoveler, Yellow Browed Warbler, Pink Footed Goose, Coal Tit, Tufted Duck, Whooper Swan, Reed Bunting, Stonechat, Field Fare, Green Finch, Jay, Red Necked Pharalope, Barred Warbler, Canada Goose, Bean Goose.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another Yellow Browed Warbler

Got up early (06:00) for the Migration watch walk at Minsmere. Saw lots of birds flying in from the sea until the sun came up then they stopped. Down beyond the sluice we saw a Yellow Browwed Warbler, again, (as Forrest would say!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yellow Browed Warbler

On a walk round Warblerswick. On the way back to Southwold we got a text alert for a Yellow Browed Warlber, in the campsite (just the other side of the river.
Ferry was not working so we had a long walk to get there. A kind gentleman helped us find it.

Monday, October 08, 2007

We saw a Bittern

First went to Dunwich Heath and saw a Dartford Warbler. Then did a walk with a guide round Minsmere, from the East Hide we saw a Bittern fly up from the Bittern reed bed over to the north reed bed.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

They feed the phesants on Lime Pickle

Went for a walk in land from Cley and came across a phesant feeder. It had lime pickle on the label!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Birds seen in Suffolk in a week

Magpie, Crow, Rook, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Starling, Black Headed Gull, Kestrel, Wheatear, Red Legged Partridge, Stonechat, Snow Bunting, Ringed Plover, Sanderling, Lapwing, Greylag Goose, Black Tailed Godwit, Bittern, Meadow Pipit, Moorhen, Canada Goose, Cormorant, Wigeon, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Pied Wagtail, Coot, Teal, Little Egret, Shoveller, Mallard, Gadwell, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Robin, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Marsh Harrier, Little Grebe, Dartford Warbler, Treecreeper, Grey Heron, Coal Tit, Green Woodpecker, Bittern, Little Ringed Plover, Snipe, Bar Tailed Godwit, Shelduck, Spotted Redshank, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Greater Black-backed Gull, Curlew, Mute Swan, Jackdaw, Greenshank, Blackbird, Long Tailed Tit, Wren, Reed Bunting, Goldcrest, Yellow Browed Warbler, Siskin, Golden Plover, Song Thrush, Linnet, Brambling, Red Wing, Avocet, Dunnock, House Martin, Sand Martin, Sparrow Hawk, Redstart, Grey Wagtail, Ruff, Common Buzzard, Swallow, Chiffchaff, Grey Plover, Oyster Catcher, Hort Eared Owl, Jay.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Quick trip to Wilstone

Hobby, Long tailed Tits, Goldcrest, Tufted

Saturday, July 28, 2007

BACCC V Invinghoe and Pitstone

BACCC V Invinghoe and Pitstone

Rory was out for 40 just as I turned up, but it was the highest score.
Final score 111 to Aston and 195 to the opposition.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wilstone reservoir after Alans wedding

Wilstone reservoir after Alans wedding

Bank in front of the hide still under water. Grebe with babies. Heard about book on intelligence sounds like a good book.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Le tour de France

Le tour de France

Le Tour prologue today! Catch train from Hemel Hempstead to Euston.
Spend time near the mall after finish takibg photos.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Barnwell country park

Robin, kingfisher, wood pigeon, blackbird, Treecreeper, mallard, long tailed tit, black headed gull, mute swan, rook.

Saturday, June 16, 2007



Rory, Lizzie, Helen, Carmel, and Pete. Lizzie mention the wedding website

Monday, June 11, 2007

Close encounter with a fox

Close encounter with a fox

Lunch time stroll stood at gate near work when a fox wandered up to within 4 meters. 4 Buzzards 3 soaring and one being mobbed by rooks.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Snowgate Head

Snowgate Head

In farm yard! Ruddy Shelduck.

Saturday, May 26, 2007



Short walk to yet to are Treecreepers from last weekend. Saw one also Jay and Greater spotted Woodpecker.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Waiting for Geoff to do a site survey

Waiting for Geoff to do a site survey

Blackbird, Wood Pigeon.

Monday, May 21, 2007



Scaup, Hobbies, Long tailed Tit, Kingfisher.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A stroll round Ivinghoe

A stroll round Ivinghoe

2 Treecreepers at least one building a nest, Yellowhammer, Buzzard, Green Woodpecker calling, Meadow Pipit.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Welney wwt

Welney wwt

A quick look on the way back from Norfolk, Whooper swans, little ringed plover, pintail, Black tailed Godwit.

Dancersend NR

Dancersend NR

Last chance to get out before returning to work on Monday. Blackcap, Warbler, Kestrel, also small Warbler green/fawn probably Chiffchaff.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Holme by the sea

Holme by the sea

Cuckoo calling, Dunnock, Wheatear, Meadow Pipit, Shelduck, Reed Bunting.
Then on to Titchwell Marsh  Robin, Chaffinch, Reed Warblee, Swift, Mute Swan, Little Gull, Black headed Gull, Wood Pigeon, Avocet' Canada Geese, Wigeon, Turnstone, Redshank, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Teal, BlackTailed Godwit, Bar tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

10th May day list

10th May day list

House Sparrow
Barn Swallow
Wood Pigeon
House Martin
Brent Gees (10)
Greylag Geese
Pied Wagtail
Little Tern
Sandwich Tern
Ringed Plover
Herring Gull (20)
Carrion Crow
Greater spotted Woodpecker (30)
Coal Tit
Great Tit
Mute Swan
Tufted Duck
Grey Heron
Tree Sparrow
Blue Tit (40)
Black tailed Godwit
Egyptian Geese
Marsh Harrier
Meadow Pipit
Little Egret (50)
Grey Partridge
Pectoral Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Canada Geese
Great black backed Gull
Lesser black backed Gull
Common Gull (60)
Common Tern
Herring Gull
Turtle Dove
Red legged Partridge
A grand total of 65 our record.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Forgot to mention Wheatear

Forgot to mention Wheatear

Saw a Wheatear.

Titchwell again

Little Gull, Black tailed Godwit, Turnstone, Dunllin, Brent Geese, Meadow Pipit, Sanderling, Grey Plover, Bar tailed Godwit, Knot, Common Gulls, 2 Cuckoos, Kittiwake, Whimbrel, Ruddy Duck.
In all 64 birds.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Titchwell RSPB

Gannet in the distance, Little Tern, Grey Plover.

Titchwell RSPB

Blackcap, Sedge Warbler, Turtle Dove, 6 Bearded Tits, Little Gull, Common Gull, Meadow Pipit, Helen heard a Grasshopper Warbler, Brent Geese, Whimbrel, Linnet, Common Scooter.
Then we saw the Grasshopper Warbler.
Grey Plover, Turnstone, Snipe, Spotted Redshank, Common Sandpiper

Cley NWT

Avocet, Bearded Tit, Goosander, Little Ringed Plover, Littled Tern, Ruff, Sandwich Tern, Egyptian Goose.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

In Bristol for Theresa's birthday

In Bristol for Theresa's birthday

Plenty of Black-backed Gulls, Feral Pigeons, Herring Gulls, but not a lot else!
Varsity boat race going on lots of BMX and skateboards around. Ferrari seem quite popular as do Ducati's also loads of scooter boys, not sure if Vespa's or Lambretta's.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Quck trip to College Lake

Quck trip to College Lake

Working on Sunday doing some VMWare migrations. Managed to get in just before the gates closed. Went straight to the cafe to get a piece of Gladis's cake but she had not baked one this weekend. There was a very tame Robin in the garden.
Two Kingfishers, Snipe, Pied Wagtail.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Walk to Rosie and Ian's

Walk to Rosie and Ian's

Just out side Buckland a Hare ran off it must have been hiding. Down at Wilstone hide not a lot going on. A Wren was just in front of the hide giving very good views, no sign of the Snipe, two Common Terns were perched on one of the shooting stages.
Two Greater spotted Woodpeckers, man acting suspiciously near a tree that a raptor landed in (brown middle of wings with black tips).

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Grand tour of the local hotspots

Grand tour of the local hotspots

College lake Whooper swan, Snipe, Canada Geese, Mute Swan, Coot, Tufted Duck, Shoveler, Mallard, Magour, Long tailed Tit, Great created Grebe, Lapwing, Black headed Gull, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, Sand Martin.
Marsworth reservoir Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Common Tern, Mustle Thrush.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Wendover Woods

Wendover Woods

Quick bike ride to finish off Easter. Dropped off travel bug, at the anti gravity hill cache. Walked up through Dancers End nature reserve, Pheasant. At the Cafe in the woods say for a while loads of Wrens, a couple of Coal Tits, Great Tit, good view of Crow. Woodpecker hammering, Collared Dove cooing.

Ivinghoe, Steps Hill

Ivinghoe, Steps Hill

Ring Ouzel, 3 Jays. Over at Wilstone the Snipe was close to the hide, Willow Warbler on island.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Weston Turville walk

Weston Turville walk

Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Barton LNR

Barton LNR

Redshank, Gadwall, Tree Sparrow, Ringed Plover, Reed Bunting, Green Finch, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Chaffinch, Cormorant, Mallard, oyster catcher, Canada Geese,.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Walk to Barnwell park via the river Nene

Walk to Barnwell park via the river Nene

Mallards, Wood Pigeon, Crow, Rook, Greylag geese, Canada Geese, Mute Swans, Starling, Magpie, Blue Tit, Grey Heron, Lapwing,  Blackbird, Coot, Collared Dove.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The biggest binoculars in the world

Two green Woodpeckers, and flock of Fieldfare

Polborough Brookes

Polborough Brookes

Great Tit, Blue Tit, Jay, Wigeon, Snipe, Teal, partially albino Blackbird, Coot, Magpie, Moorhen, Black headed Gull, Pintail, possible Chiffchaff, Dunnocks displaying strange behaviour, Little Grebe, Skylark, Kestrel, Pied Wagtail, Song Thrush, Redwing.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pagham harbour

Pagham harbour

From the hide Curlew, Redshank, shelduck, tufted duck, Mute Swan, Little Grebe, Wigeon, Lapwing, Moorhen, Buzzards, Coot, Ruddy Duck, Mallard, Common Snipe, Little Egret, Blackbird, Great Tit, Oystercatcher.
Selsey Bill Turnstone, Shag, Cormorant, Brent Geese, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover.

Arundel WWT

Arundel WWT

From the cafeteria Ruddy Duck, Tufted Dick, Mallard, Coot, Mandarin Duck, Shelduck, Mute Swan, Moorhen, Wood Pigeon.
Discovery trial Wren, Dunnock

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A walk to Wilstone reservoir from home

A walk to Wilstone reservoir from home

Greenfinch on New Road, Chaffinch, Wood Pigeon, Magpie, Kestrel, 2 Crows. Drayton Besuchamp Blackbird. In the hide Snipe just in front of hide, first Sand Martins of the year, Coots, Mallards, Widgeon,  Gadwall, Tufted duck, Shovelers, Mute Swans, Cormorant, Great created Grebe, Canada geese, Greylag Geese, Little Grebe, Teal, Red Kite in distance, Black headed Gulls, Gray black Backed Gulls . On the way back Gray Tits, Rooks, Robin, and finally. Starling.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Walk around Helions Bumpstead

Went for a walk with Nik and Helen, weather was great had too many layers on soon got hot. Skylarks, Reed Bunting, Yellow Hammer, Long Tailed Tits, Kestrel, were amoungst the highlights.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Nik and Helen's then a tour of bird reserves.

Lots of birds on bird table. Pheasant, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Sparrows. In the distance Jackdaws, Rooks, Redwing/Fieldfare, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove. Dunnock in Helen's new flower bed, Blackbird and Robin in the garden.
Nick conjured up a great cooked breakfast in a roll.
Eventually found Fowlmere, had to get TomTom out. Canada Geese, Little Grebe, Moorhen, Coot, 2 circling Buzzards. On to the next hide, Gadwall, Greylag Geese.
Went on to Welney but the road was closed, but then we realised that we had gone the wrong way, it was closing.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Trip to the pictures to see The Illusionist

Red Kite over Limes Avenue!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Walk with Helen round Dancersend NR

Same as last week start from pump station. Soon saw a Muncjack Deer, the usual suspects Magpies, Robins, Chaffinch, Wood Pigeon, and Collared Dove.
Blackbird, Great Tit, Nuthatch, Blue Tit, Jay, Rooks, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Owl heard, Coal Tit, Sparrow Hawk.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Taxi ride to Newry

Carrion Crow, Lapwing, Starling, Rook, Jackdaw, Collared Dove, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Black-headed Gull, Swan.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

An organised walk round Weston Turville reservoir

Met up at 10 on Sunday. After a health and safety talk during which I saw a Gray Tit, we headed off. Robin, Moorhen, Rook, Mute Swan, Canada Geese, Coutt, Blackbird, Great Crested Grebe, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Heron, Woodpecker GS heard, Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Wren, Magpie, Mistle Thrush, Red Wing, Blue Tits, Wood Pigeon, Jay, Bullfinch, Black-headed Gull.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A walk round the hills opposite Dancersend NR

Raining not much about. Around some houses chaffinch and tits. Near the Crong 2 Jays.
In Dancersend reserve quickly spotted 2 Greater spotted woodpeckers. Then after having to wait for good views Goldcerst!!
Kerstel flew by.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wilstone reservoir

First time since the car park reopened on Wednesday rd february. Goldeneye, Ruddy Duck.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lee valley birdwatching and wildlife fair.

Weather sunny with high and thin clouds (sirrus?). On the M25 saw a Kestrel perched in a tree by the hard shoulder. Got to the fair just in time for one of the walks. Started with the farm walk : Dunnock, Falcon on pylon, Atonechat, Skylark, Reed Bunting, Pied Wagtail, Chaffinch, Sparrow, Collared Dove, Blackbird, Long tailed Tit, Rook, Crow. Then a look round the exhibition. The queue for Cornish pasties was long, still it gave me a chance to look for a few more ticks : Robin, and Chaffinch.
13:00 off on the wetland walk. Some people were ringing birds something I have never seen before, looks a but cruel! Now for the birds Tufted Dick, Canada Geese, Little Grebe, Mute Swan, Coutt, Gray Crested Grebe, Moorhen, Water Vole, Cormorant, Gadwall, Mallard, Greylag Geese, Shoveler, Starling, Grey Heron, Blue Tit, Great Tit.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dancers end

Grey Wagtail

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Walk round Pulpit Hill

Jay and Redwing.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Walk round the reservoirs

Whooper swan, Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Quick trip to Wilstone before work starts again tomorrow

On way back from High Wycombe saw 7 Red Kite.
At the reservoir Lapwing, Golden Plover, Tufted duck, Teal, Widgeon, Coot, Grey Heron.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Day 4 trip to Minsmere to make up for yesterday!

Spectacular day starting with a guided walk round Minsmere.
In rough order: Mute Swan, Cormorant, Teal, Widgeon, Shelduck, Mallard, Shoveler, Heatlag Geese, Gadwall, Little Egret, Marsh Harrier, Lapwing, Dublin, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Red Throated Diver, Stonechat, Magpie, Pintail, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Golden, Plover, Turnstone, Dunlin, Starling, Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Snipe, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Robin, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Pheasant, Green Finch, Long-tailed Tits, Wood Pigeon, Moorhen, Coutt, and last but nor least Kestrel.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Waldringham on the river Deben

Looked for Geocache saw Shelduck, Redshank, and Blackbird. On the way back two new ones Jackdaw and Pheasant.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Day one 2007

In Woodbridge a great place to start my 2007 list. A walk by the river Deben turned up 16. Redshank, Curlew, Black Headed Gulll, Rook, Little Egret, Lapwing, Shelduck, Oyster Catcher, Canada Goose, Mallard, Turnstone, Crow, Wood Pigeon, Starling, Pied Wagtail, and last but not least Blackbird!